Betaal [2020] Sharukhan's Netflix Series : Cast, release date, synopsis & much more...
Sharukhan's new upcoming Indian fictional horror web television series Betaal tells the story of a team tasked with clearing away the inhabitants in a remote village that serves as the battleground between British Indian Army officer Betaal and his battalion of zombie redcoats & Indian police. With Indian police pitted against the undead army, hapless villagers are trapped in a horrific, edge-of-your-seat conflict.”
Betaal was originally announced in July last year, as one of five new series from the likes of Khan, Anushka Sharma, Alankrita Shrivastava (Lipstick Under My Burkha), Ravi Patel (Meet the Patels), and Ashvini Yardi (Chopsticks). It will be the fifth original series from India in 2020, after the Jharkhand-based phishing drama Jamtara in January, the romantic drama Taj Mahal 1989 in February, the Imtiaz Ali-created crime drama She in March, and the Vir Das-led dark comedy Hasmukh in April.
In a statement, Graham said: “After Ghoul, I wanted to create a different kind of horror series, which was more action packed and accessible. The concept of a cursed mountain containing an ancient spirit takes inspiration from Indian mythology, and it's about time we saw some zombie redcoats in popular fiction. The series weaves its own ghost story to give backing to the action and suspense that then follows.”
Betaal is a production of Red Chillies, with Blumhouse Television, the TV division of Jason Blum's Blumhouse
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Aahana Kumra |
Vineet Kumar Singh |