Gulabo Sitabo is
an upcoming Indian family comedy-drama film directed by Shoojit Sircar, produced by Ronnie Lahiri and Sheel Kumar, and story by Juhi Chaturvedi. Set in Lucknow, it stars Amitabh Bachchan and Ayushmann Khurrana. Eponymous glove puppet characters, Gulabo and Sitabo are from Uttar Pradesh, their story is full of local humour and songs, depicting day-to-day struggle of common man. The film is scheduled to stream on Prime Video from 12 June 2020.
The film was originally scheduled to release in theatres on April 17, before the COVID-19 pandemic led to a complete lockdown of the nation.With the digital release, Gulabo Sitabo will premiere across 200 countries and territories.
Ayushmann Khurrana
Indian Actor
Amitabh Bachchan
Indian Actor
Nalneesh Neel
Indian Actor