The King's Man 3 : Release date, cast, rumors & every thing you need to know.

The King's Man is an upcoming period action spy film.One can’t refer to the upcoming installment as “King's Man 3” because it’s a prequel and not a sequel that means there is not a continuation of the Harry Hart and Eggsy story, so while it is the third King's Man movie, we can't call it like King's Man 3.

To reiterate, the upcoming “King's Man” prequel will go by the (somewhat annoying) name of “The King’s Man” and it will primarily take place during WWI. An origin story of “the very first independent intelligence agency.” 
Here’s another equally vague “King's Man 3” quote from Mr. Vaughn: “People will either freak out in a good way, or freak out in a bad way, but they will freak out…we’re literally finishing the script off as I speak—but they go on a journey that, if anyone sees it coming, then I’ll give up.”

There’s also early speculation as to whether the third “King's Man” movie will pull more of its content from Mark Millar’s original comic book series. If the previous two installments are anything to go by, Vaughn will cap off the trilogy by continuing to put his own spin on the material. Here’s hoping he does a slightly better job than he did with “The Golden Circle,” which was entertaining in its own right, but not quite as thrilling and unique as the first “King's Man,” in our opinion.

King's Man 3 release date: When can we expect it?

The King's Man 3 was slated to arrive in cinemas on November 15, 2019 but later it was pushed till February 14, 2020 and then moved again due Covid-19 to September 16, 2020 in the UK and September 18, 2020 in the US.

King's Man 3 Cast

  • Taron Egerton as Eggsy
  • Colin Firth as Harry Hart
  • Jeff Bridges as Champ
  • Channing Tatum as Tequila